Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Consumer habits

Habit begins with a revolutionary premise -- 95 percent of human behavior is controlled by the unconscious mind. This fact exposes the central flaw in marketing theory, market research, and a preponderance of business strategy--that customers are consciously aware of what they're doing. Habit explains why 80 percent of new products fail, why billions of advertising dollars are wasted every year, and why even satisfied customers aren't loyal. Google is a habit. Here's a tech writer complaining how he uses Google only because it's become a habit:
A few key players have become so entrenched on the Web and creatures of habit like me just make them more dominant.
This blogger thought that Google was a bad habit and tried to break free of his habit:
So … nothing for the last week or so. No fantastic revelations about missing tools, no desperate struggle to find new ways of doing things. In fact, if Google dropped off the face of the Earth tomorrow it would take me less than a week to move on completely.
Bing needs to overcome an entrenched habit. Is Microsoft using standard habit breaking methods on Goggle users?

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