Engage 10: Improving Your Life Tempo
10 hours ago
Good habits for life
I am a 54 year old (or young) woman who has been dealing with weight issues my whole life.
I think I’ve tried every method of losing weight at least twice, from Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig to medically supervised fasting for months.
I keep going back to Weight Watchers, which really is the only one that works long-term for me. The program does work if I stay with it, which is the catch.
Sugar and its companion sweeteners are addictive; so are government subsidies. Individual Americans should break the sweets habit and demand their government wean corn farmers off the government dole.
The FDIC wants banks to stand on their own two feet, but withdrawing insurance on big checking accounts won't be popular.
Well, the accoutrements are important. I took up tennis for the same reason I took up horseback riding—part of it is about the habit. Habit is an old word, like a riding habit or a tennis habit. Part of the intrigue was to go to Vuitton and get the tennis racket and the tennis bag, the box for the bottle of water. I don’t do anything unless I think about my habit.